Popular Search Engines

The following information may be helpful when choosing a search engine.

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Meta Search Engines Last changed 7th October 2007
Google Uses page ranking, where a high rank is obtainded by being referenced from many other pages
    Searches are NOT case sensitive
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
   also OR
Clusty Uses velocity search engine, then groups similar results together into clusters.
    Restrict by "Language" and "file type"
Cha Cha Lets you do a GUIDED search where a real person asks you questions to identify the results you need.
    Search Web, News, Images, Video, Audio
Dog Pile Queries about 12 other search engines
    Search using "Any", "All", or "Exact phrase"
Ask Jeeves Uses the "Teoma" search engine
    Uses "Natural Language Technology" to guess the context and so determin relevancy
Excite Uses editors to review sites
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
   also AND OR NOT
ix Quick Queries about 10 other search engines
    Searches are case sensitive, but allows "*" as a wildcard
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
   also AND, OR, NOT, NEAR
kartoo A Visual Meta Search Engine
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
KillerInfo Meta Search with over 260 data sources
    Provideds a results guide
Yureka Uses the MetaCrawler search engine
    Search by <Word or Phrase> , <Match or Begin with> and <Include or Exclude>
C/Net Queries about 4 other search engines
    Search using "web pages", "prices", "headlines" or "Advice and Answers"

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Other Search Engines Last changed 10th January 2005

About Returns summary
    Searches Contents
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
   also AND OR NOT
After Vote Search Web, Images, Video
All the Web Search for News, Video, Images and Sound
Alta Vista Offers Language Translation ( 36 languages )
    Searches Contents by default but also
   Domain:, Host:, link:, Title: and URL:
Also select Web, Images, MP3/Audio, Video, Directory and News
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
   also AND, OR, NOT, NEAR and by Language
Altavista UK As Above
Ditto A visual search engine
    Search by <Web> , <Image> or <Shopping>
Dmoz The Open Directory Project
Euro Pages A European Business Directory
Find Info U.S. Based
IPL Internet Public Library - Run by the University of Michigan
Lycos Returns summary
    Searches Contents ( or Title or URL from a seletion page )
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
Mirago Geographically Relevant Search
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
MSN U.S. Based
    Search by Region and File type
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
Northern Light Searches Text (default), Title (title:) or URL (url:)
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
    AND OR NOT ADJ, and Wild cards single letter(%) many letters(*)
Overture A Subsiduary of Yahoo
Search UK Returns abstract
    Searches by Commercial | Academic | Government | Non-profit | All
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("")
   also AND OR NOT
UK Plus Uses the Infoseek search engine
Technorati Searches web blogs
WebCrawler Returns summary
    Searches about 12 other search engines
    Search using "Any", "All", or "Exact phrase"
Yahoo UK Returns description
    Searches Contents (default), Title (t:),
or URL (u:)
    Required (+) Prohibited (-) Exact Match ("") Wildcard (*)
More Search Engines  

Duplicated Search Methods Last changed 10th January 2005

Geona Powered by Dmoz
Go Powered by Yahoo
Hotbot Powered by Lycos
Search AOL Powered by Google 
Searchuno A UK Web directory with no banners. Powered by Dmoz

Other Related Sites Last changed 23rd August 2003

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